Friday, December 24, 2010

Faithful Christmas

Quiet times in my home during the holidays is very rare, but God blessed me with such this cold, dreary morning.  What an awesome way to start off my Christmas Eve day!

This Christmas has been so different for me.  God keeps opening my eyes to so many different things about this holiday, Jesus' birthday.  This morning I was reading John 14:1-4 and I like the way The Message Bible puts it:
"Don't let this throw you. You trust God, don't you? Trust me. There is plenty of room for you in my Father's home. If that weren't so, would I have told you that I'm on my way to get a room ready for you? And if I'm on my way to get your room ready, I'll come back and get you so you can live where I live. And you already know the road I'm taking."

"There is plenty of room for you in my Father's home." What a wonderful realization, that we, as Christians, have the ultimate Christmas party to go to one day, when we go Home!  And we know this promise to be true, because above all else, God is faithful! He can't not be. Its who He is.

I've been on my knees a lot over the past few weeks for those folks who can't be "home" for the holidays.  Its just something we take for granted, whether its just down the street, across the pasture, the next state over or a short plane ride, we always seem to be able to make it home for Christmas.  What about the soldier fighting for that very freedom we enjoy? What about the missionary telling others of the freedom they can have in Christ?  What about the single mom who has to leave her kids Christmas morning because she has to work?  What about that homeless man that I passed on the highway yesterday? Does he have anyplace he can go to and call "home"?

I don't know about you, but I do tend to live in my own little world, in my bubble of belief that everyone has a nice warm home to go to and a comfortable bed to sleep in and a warm meal on their table (or at least a restaurant to go out to eat). The hard truth is, the majority of the world's population doesn't have those things.  And believe me when I say, I'm not condemning us for having those things, I really enjoy those things!  Its just God is making me so much more aware of the fact how grateful I need to be.

A couple of our college girls and I went around town the other day looking for ways God smiles on us during this time of year, it was nothing big. It was the little things.  Christmas trees for sale. A cup of coffee. A sign that read "Jesus loves me, this I know". A stack of Christmas cards. A child's Christmas craft. An amazing sunset over a small lake. Those little things that we sometimes just overlook or take for granted, but oh when we really look, its those little things that make our hearts really smile!

And even last night, as I was in my car looking at a gorgeous moon and thanking God for the blessings of my life and praying for a few certain folks, God chose to smile at me through the radio!  On a station that had been playing Christmas music for nearly two weeks straight, suddenly they played two songs that mean so very much to me in my life!  Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas music, but I think God just wanted to give me an exclamation mark of His faithfulness!

I read from a blog the other day that "Christmas is not about going home, but about leaving home."  How true that is and honestly, it was the first time I've ever really thought about that fact.  It was that first Christmas morning that Jesus woke up and was not in His home anymore, but in ours.  He left all the glory of Heaven to come here, to a world that would, and still does, reject Him, mock Him, and make fun of Him.  Would you want to be somewhere like that for Christmas?  Yet, He did because of John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

He came and endured living in the dysfunctional world of ours we call "home" so that, if we believe in Him, we could one day really go Home for the Holidays!  And oh my! What a glorious Christmas that first Christmas in Heaven will be when we are all around the throne of God!  Eating at His table! Bestowing our gifts of praise to the Ultimate Christmas Gift!!

Faithful Christmas 2010, that is how I will remember these few weeks.  He has been, is, and always will be! Faithful!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Band-aids, the cure all

Do you remember falling down as a child and scraping your elbow or your knee?  Then you would run to mommy because you knew she would have a band-aid and that would make it all better.  Some days, don't you wish a band-aid would still stop the hurts of this world?
This may be a strange post for the Christmas season, but I see so many hurting people around me and that hurts my heart.  I would love to give them a band-aid and know that it would help them feel better, but we know now, as grown-ups, that sometimes hurts have to be cleaned to heal and and lets face it, healing hurts.
Sometimes to heal, we need that friend to just kind of slap us back into reality and let us know we need to get over ourselves....I think this would be the alcohol approach to the cleaning/healing process.  Its, at times, very necessary, but it always stings a bit!
Then we have those friends who might just encourage us and walk with us until our hurts begin to heal...this I look at as the hydrogen peroxide process....slowly it "bubbles" the hurt away, and in a way...having that friend beside us, its enjoyable to watch. 
Oh, but the best thing I remember about "boo boo's" was that cool lotion that would go on the hurt.  The healing balm.  We still have a healing balm today, for much bigger wounds.  God's Holy Word.  In Jeremiah the people are asked: 
"Is there no Balm in Gilead?
Is no physician there?
Why then is there no recovery
For the health of the daughter of my people? (Jer 8:21-22)
I think He may still ask us that question today.  Why don't we go to Him for the healing of our souls?  Perhaps we have hurt for so long, we just try to handle it ourselves, but infection of bitterness will eventually set in. Perhaps we just don't know what to do?  Hurts ignored, can still turn to infection for the soul.  If this is the case, let me urge you to seek the Great Physician, Jesus Christ.  In Him lies the answers to ALL of life's hurts.
This Christmas, enjoy the blessings of family and friends, the amazing privilege of giving, and of course enjoy all the goodies to eat!!  In the midst of it all, look at your hurts, give them to the Great Physician and let Him apply healing balm to your soul.  Also, be aware of the hurts of those around you. Care for them. Encourage them. Pray for them. Above all, point them to Jesus, that baby in the manger who grew to be the Savior for the world and the Healer of all hurts!

Dear most gracious Heavenly Father,  open my eyes to the hurts of those around me.  Break my heart for what breaks Yours.  Help me to always shine my light on You and for You.  Thank you for the promise found in Psalm 147:3, that You  "heal the brokenhearted and bind up their wounds."  Thank You for always being faithful to Your Word. Thank You for the hurts You have allowed in my life that have brought growth in my relationship with You. Thank You for that precious Gift You sent us long ago that is still celebrated today...the Child of Christmas who can fill us all with hope and joy if we open our hearts to Him.  Please hold those hurting souls right now in Your almighty arms and place someone in their path today to point them to You.  I ask this in the name of Jesus, the most precious name I know!  Amen. 

Monday, December 6, 2010

My Wish For You

As you blow out six candles on your birthday cake, here's MY wish for you:
*I wish for you joy in your life, not just happiness, but that true joy that can only come from the Father above.
*I wish for you innocence for as long as you can keep it in this world.  The world has a way of robbing us of innocence, so baby, I want you to keep that for as long as possible. I'll do my best to guard that for you!
*I wish for you a walk with the Lord that grows sweeter every day.  That He will be your "bff" always!  He will never leave you. Never let you down. And He is always there for you.  Walk with Him. Grow in Him. Trust Him.
*I wish for you friends that will be there to encourage you and to love you and that you can trust with all your girly secrets of parents, boys, and life, but above all that they'll be friends that always point you back to God and hold you accountable when you stray from Him.
*I wish for you a life that shines!  Your tender heart is a treasure.  I love watching you with the elderly or the ill, you are absolutely precious! Even with your autistic cousin, your love and compassion just shines through! Don't lose that, baby girl! Always be willing to love. Above all.
*I wish for you a life lived in humble service and love to God and to others.  Those are the two greatest commandments to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and to love others as yourself.
*I wish for you to have a love of self.  Its easy to get down on self, allow God to heal hurts, restore joy, and strengthen your faith every day. 
*I wish for you to enjoy life. Laugh a lot. Dance a lot. Sing to the top of your lungs a lot. Play in the mud a lot. Bake cookies and make a mess a lot. Just enjoy the blessings God has given you...a lot! 
*I wish for you to seek Him in a daily quiet time every day.  Take the time in this crazy, busy, fast-paced world to sit with Him, soak up His word and listen to His quiet voice to lead you.
*I wish for you a husband one day like your daddy.  A husband that will treat you like the princess you are and will love you second only to God.  A husband that will be loyal, faithful and true and lead you and your home in righteousness.
*I wish for you to always follow after God's heart.  Thats a big wish, because sometimes God's heart and mommy's hearts don't agree if that means taking their babies far away, but honey, I'll always wish for you to be in the center of God's will wherever that takes you.  Because in His will He will always give you just what you need when you need it.  He will be faithful. He will be enough.
These are life wishes, actually, they're so much more...they're my prayers for you, my hearts cry for the precious bundle of pink I received 6 years ago today. And though these are for your life...for today I just wish for you the simple joy of being a happy, healthy six year old little girl who knows without a doubt that she is loved!!  Because, baby girl, you. are!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Life on the "Edge"

This past week I had some major frustrations that I would not have experienced before the addiction of a 3G smart phone.  I was in the woods of East Texas, at my folks' home for Thanksgiving, and there was no, zero, zilch, nada 3G service in the area!  Just that little "E" that means "edge" that basically means "good luck in getting service on that little smart cellular device now!"
As I was laying in my bed the last night there, trying to skype with a friend on it, and having very little luck, I had some thoughts go through my head.
First of all, 3G...hmmm...Father, Son, and Holy Spirit all "3" in one "G"od!  And the fact that when I'm spending time with Him, near to Him, in His Word; well, its then that I have really great connection!  I'm fast! I'm quick to recall a certain verse, quick to avoid those fiery darts of the devil, quick with kindness and to show His love. Communication with Him and with others is so much easier when connected with Him.  I hear Him clearly when He speaks.
"Edge". Living life on the "edge", not always a good thing.  Out there on the "edge", communication with Him is harder because I don't feel connected. I'm "searching", but often searching in areas where connection With Him will not be found.  I'm slower to recall a verse when I need it. I'm slower and often am hit by one of those fiery darts. Kindness and love are not always there either. Lets face, service is just real slow in so many ways!
There are some people who are still not sold on the "smart phones" and the many ways to use them, but I for one am very grateful for mine and the many ways I have to stay connected with friends and family.  And now, I even look at in a whole new way, thanks to those deep piney woods of East Texas!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Guilty Pleasures

I've been thinking about those two words a lot lately.  Doesn't it make you think of things like manicures, pedicures, massages, facials, Starbuck's, good know the really GOOD stuff,  just those things that we enjoy so much we almost feel guilty at times enjoying them?

Lately, its been more of the smaller things that I'm considering guilty pleasures.  The things that make me complain until my heart is made right.  You know the types of things...a dirty toilet (at least we have one, and honestly, more than one), toys strewn all over my house (at least my children have toys and a home to play in), having to unload the dishwasher (really?? all I had to do was rinse and put them in there and I have great cabinets and drawers to put them all in!), dust and filth on my tv (yeah, that big screen one in the living room), my computer that is so stinkin' slow sometimes I want to throw it out the window (but without it I could not chat with friends on the other side of the world), cooking supper (with the groceries I was just able to run by Walmart and grab), piles and piles of dirty laundry (at least I have a washer/dryer and more than enough clothes for my family to stay warm for the winter....and smelling clean of Tide and Bounce! aaah!!!), the long five hour drive home for Thanksgiving (thankful I have a family I can go home to and hurting for the ones that don't or can't), Christmas music (though honestly, I've cried more over Christmas music already this year than I ever have before, some of those songs are just SAD!), my church (how blessed we are to live where we are free to worship the God of the universe anytime we want! and how sad, so very few of us really enjoy taking advantage of that fact), PTO at my kids school (we work like crazy for no pay, but oh how thankful for a school where parents want to be involved!), the Bible that sits right here beside my big comfy reading chair (wow! 66 chapters that tell all. 66 Love Letters to you and me from the very Creator of the universe!!!)

Guilty pleasures?? Yeah, I would say as I sit here in my big comfy chair with my laptop on my lap, kids playing in our big front yard, dogs in the backyard, husband at work, dinner in the oven, Christmas music blaring on the iPod, and suitcases already semi-packed to go home next week, yeah, I'd have to say I have a few of those!

Thanking God today for all those little things. Those things I take for granted every day that others would consider major luxury.  May our little bubble of suburbia be burst and allow us to spread blessings across the street and around the world and shine His light in this dark world!!  

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Twas The Week Before Thanksgiving

Twas the week before Thanksgiving and all through our house
There was rushing and running, no one a louse
The dog was sitting by the fire without a care
In hopes that the kids would soon NOT be there.

The children were bundled and sent off to school
With the mutterings of "these clothes aren't cool"
Daddy off to work and mom left alone
Updating her status on her iPhone.

When up in the attic there arose such a clatter
She sprang from her chair to see what was the matter
Away to the stairs she flew like a, hmmm....flash (?)
Tripping over mounds of laundry in the hallway stashed.

The light in the attic, so dimly lit
Showed the Christmas decor had finally been hit
Then what to her wandering eyes should appear
But about 20 more tubs full of Christmas cheer.

With a room full of chaos, every where she roamed
She knew in a moment, she must be in her home!
There were toys and messes strewn in every room
And you could hear her grumble as she dug out the broom.

"Now really! Now really! Now really, my son!
Oh daughter! Oh daughter! Thanksgiving has come!
From the dirtiest of  floors, to the top of the wall,
Clean it up! Clean it up! Clean it up all!"

As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When she's met with an obstacle, she looks to the sky.
So up from the house her prayers, they flew,
With pleads of mercy and grace, and of course patience, too.

And then, in a twinkling, she felt the calm
Time spent with Him was always a healing balm.
As she gave Him thanks, for the blessings galore
Down from the heavens His praises they poured!

She was filled with awe, from her head to her feet,
Thanking Him daily for the times that they meet.
A bundle of worries she flung off her back,
No problems too big, there's nothing He can't hack.

Her eyes-filled with wonder, her heart filled with joy!
As she cleaned and dusted and picked up a toy!
And prayed for the boy in the hoodie, and the girl with a bow
And asked Him to make their hearts as white as the snow.

She sang and she danced, no longer gritting her teeth
As she tripped over legos and hung up a wreath.
She had a life full of blessings, no reason to yell
She had a God and family that loved her, and knew this well!

Her faith wavered, at times, over every little thing,
But today she gave it to Him, the Master, the King!
That sweet baby Jesus, no longer in the manger lay;
But now was her Comforter, her Friend, throughout the day!

She spoke not a word, but went straight to her work,
And cleaned up the house, then turned with a jerk.
Hanging decorations on, yet, another tree,
She was as amazed and thankful as she could be!

She sprang to her computer, and just had to blog
About the peace that came in the Christmas rush fog.
And I heard her exclaim with a grateful heart
"Thank You, Gracious Father, for the kick start!"

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

"Toss! Toss! Hehehehehe!"

Jason treated me to the traveling Broadway show, "Wicked", this past weekend.  I have been to New York City probably 10 times since the show opened there, but I had never seen this particular musical.  I had heard rave reviews, but for some reason, had never seen it.  We had a grand time and it was quite a day!
The whole story is kind of the story around the "Wizard of Oz".  I never knew that the Wicked Witch was nothing more than someone who had been taken wrong her whole life.  She tried to do good, but others would belittle her or make fun of her; this can most definitely make one bitter.  One person would befriend her, Glinda, the Good Witch.
Glinda tried to make Elphaba (the wicked witch) into what she was, by teaching her how to "toss" her hair (thus the title of the blog) and laugh and to always find the good in things.  Though they started out as enemies, they ended up as friends and learned much from the other.  
My most favorite part of the show was when they sang "For Good" to each other.  If you have not heard it, here are the lyrics:

I've heard it said 
That people come into our lives for a reason 
Bringing something we must learn 
And we are led 
To those who help us most to grow 
If we let them 
And we help them in return 
Well, I don't know if I believe that's true 
But I know I'm who I am today 
Because I knew you... 

Like a comet pulled from orbit 
As it passes a sun 
Like a stream that meets a boulder 
Halfway through the wood 
Who can say if I've been changed for the better? 
But because I knew you 
I have been changed for good 

It well may be 
That we will never meet again 
In this lifetime 
So let me say before we part 
So much of me 
Is made of what I learned from you 
You'll be with me 
Like a handprint on my heart 
And now whatever way our stories end 
I know you have re-written mine 
By being my friend... 

Like a ship blown from its mooring 
By a wind off the sea 
Like a seed dropped by a skybird 
In a distant wood 
Who can say if I've been changed for the better? 
But because I knew you 

[ From: ]

Because I knew you 

I have been changed for good 

And just to clear the air 
I ask forgiveness 
For the things I've done you blame me for 

But then, I guess we know 
There's blame to share 

And none of it seems to matter anymore 

Like a comet pulled from orbit 
As it passes a sun 
Like a stream that meets a boulder 
Halfway through the wood 

Like a ship blown from its mooring 
By a wind off the sea 
Like a seed dropped by a bird in the wood 

Who can say if I've been 
Changed for the better? 
I do believe I have been 
Changed for the better 

And because I knew you... 

Because I knew you... 

Because I knew you... 
I have been changed for good...

As that was being sang, I could not help but to think back over the friends in my lifetime and see how the friendships with them have molded me and made me who I am today.  There are some, like Elphaba, who have had tragic happenings in their lives and then some like Glinda, who truly have had everything given to them on a silver platter.  Sometimes like Elphaba, we allow those tough times to make us bitter, and sometimes like Glinda, we fail to see the big picture, that there is far more to this world than "me".
Individually, I'm not sure Glinda and Elphaba would have learned so much.  I'm not sure if the writer of "Wicked" realizes this or not, but we were designed to do life together.  We learn from one another. We grow with one another.  I've traveled and shopped and laughed with friends.  I have sent some away from my house not knowing if I would ever see them again, but trusting God to hold them.  I've sat with friends in ICU waiting rooms, I've sat in hotel hallways and lobbies, cars in parking lots, hospital rooms, living rooms, bedrooms and funeral homes... we have shared life. We have cried on each other shoulders. We have prayed for and been prayed for.  We have depended on and been depended on.  We have taken the meals and have had the meals brought to us.  We have lived life together. We have worshiped our God together.  And together we have grown.  And I thank God for those friendships that grow closer because together we are seeking Him.  
"I do believe I have been 
Changed for the better 

Because I knew you... 
I have been changed for good."

I love you, dear friends, and thank God for the moments we have shared!

"Sista Friends"

"Big Apple Friends"

"Very special 'younger' friends" :)

"sweet friends"

"growing up friends"

"beach friends" 

"believe it or not friends!" :) 

amazing friends!

"encouraging friends"
"lifetime friends"

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Cornucopia of Blessings

Cornucopia?  That's just a really funny word...and yes I did have to spell check it!  Did you know this "horn of plenty" dates back to ancient Greece and the year 1508?!!  Its used for decorating purposes and is a symbol of abundance and when it comes to blessings...that is just the word I needed to use!  I have been blessed! Blessed and surrounded by love!
Tonight I choose to view my life at this time of the year as a cornucopia, and God as the One who fills it with fruit..."blessings".  I'm about to make a list, don't you love making lists?  Making a "blessings list" is always, well, its always a blessing!  Its so easy living in the Bible belt, blessed with many simple things, to just take what all we've been given for granted.
I was reminded of that earlier as I was talking to my son and praying with and for him.  My heart's desire is for my children to grow in their love for the honestly love the Lord their God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength! Then to love others, to put others needs before our wants and to have a spirit of gratefulness for all that He has blessed us with.  As I tucked him into bed and came back in the living room and sat down, God whispered to me..."do you?  Do you really love me with all of you heart, soul, mind and strength? Do you seek to serve others with needs before you fulfill your wants? Are you truly grateful for the blessings I have placed in your life?"
Well, Ouch! God!  That hurt, but what a blessed reminder!  So, here's my list:
  1. lets start with the obvious, the God of universe!  The very One who created everything. I mean everything!  He desires to have a relationship with me.  He wants me to spend time with Him. If I had to choose just one thing to be thankful for, it will always be my relationship with Him.
  2. my parents, married over 45 years and still very much in love, they have been an example of a godly couple to many folks over the years.  My childhood was not perfect, there are no perfect ones, but I always knew I was loved and for a child, that is what they NEED to know.
  3. the hot guy that walked into my little East Texas Baptist church back in the mid-80's to "check out the new girl in town" (which happened to be me) and stole my heart.  I have known many amazing and godly men in my life, but when I think of someone who is a true leader, full of humility, compassion, strength, patience, love, a man's man, but yet full of gentleness and mercy, well, I think of Jason Aultman.  He is all those things.  There are days I feel so very unworthy to be his wife and wonder why in the world God would choose to bless me with a man like him, but then I just thank Him that He did!
  4. my children's daddy...okay, same person as #3, but not only is he the ultimate husband, he is the ultimate daddy as well.  I love to hear Landri's giggles as she squeals "tickle me, daddy!" I love to watch him coach Turner's teams...whatever season it may be.  I love to watch the three of them walk out of the garage and crawl into Daddy's truck every Friday morning, because Daddy takes them to breakfast every single Friday morning of the school year.  Mostly, I love to hear them pray together, especially when they know I'm not listening! 
  5. Antioch Baptist Church!!  What a major blessing in our lives.  I often wonder what my life would be like if I didn't marry a preacher, but I can't think of doing anything else and I cannot think of doing "life together" with a better group of folks than those in our "family" at church. God shows up every Sunday in a mighty way and it is so much fun to have a front row view of all the amazing things He is doing at Antioch!  On the very rare occasion we are not able to be there (and trust me those occasions are really once in a blue moon!) I miss it. Like honestly, heart wrenching! I just love worshiping our Lord and Savior with these brothers and sisters!  We just have a blast!
  6. "Friends in our lifetime, came just at the right time" (words from a song sang at our wedding) I can look back over my life and see how God has placed the exact person in my life at a specific time because He knew it was who I needed!  There have been friends who were in my life to be an encouragement for me and then there have been those that God led me to be the encourager.  Some have been for a season, and some I know will be there for all time. Old friends, young friends, near friends, far away friends, hug your neck on Sundays friends, and talk with you every day friends, friends I rarely see, and friends I see every week; you all are so very dear to me!  You. Are. A. Blessing!!
  7. Discipleship.  Yes, discipleship.  Its something fairly new in my life, but what a blessing.  I had the wonderful blessing of discipling one of my high school seniors last year for a while and this year I'm meeting regularly with two of our college girls and a couple others when time allows.  Sharing with these amazing young ladies just blesses my socks off!!  Molly, Marissa, and Megan, I love you girls so very much and pray for you daily!!  I am also being discipled!  Crazy as it sounds, this old chick has someone discipling me...we just met today!  We are going through a book "Strong Women, Soft Hearts" together and wow! Its amazing how God leads someone else to a book that He knew was exactly what you needed at this time in your life.  Well, that is what He did....He led Jerene to get me this book and it is life changing!  Thanks so much for the influence you are having on my life, dear friend!  I love our times together!
  8. my CrossTraining Class (thats a fancy name our youth pastor came up with for Sunday School).  Every Sunday morning at 9:45 I have the awesome opportunity to meet with some of the most amazing 11th and 12th grade girls around!  We don't always agree, but we always love!  We get into some great discussions and try to be transparent and allow God to break our hearts for what breaks His.  It is such a blessing to see Him working in their lives and in turn, seeing them do things to bring glory to the Father!  There are many hurts, fears, & insecurities this life throws at these young ladies and my desire is to love them, above all else and point them to Him at every opportunity! Oh how I love you girls!!
  9. my heart that has been turned toward Missions...whether it be across the street or around the world, God is breaking my heart to show His love to those I come in contact with every day. We are not all called to go to Africa, but we can serve where we are.  Right now.  Whether that be leading my children, my CrossTraining class, Discipling, or even encouraging those who are on foreign soil serving our ministry is right where I am. Today. Period.
  10. Pain...that may sound like a strange thing to be thankful for, but I realized today that I was thankful for pain.  The pain that is deep. The kind that only God can heal you of.  Many of us go through many different things in life and we keep it all pushed down inside of us so everyone thinks all is okay.  We can't live our lives until its dealt with.  We will never have that abundant life in Him, until we really, truly allow Him access to those areas of deepest pain.  He wants to fulfill our deepest desires, they came from Him, He put them in us and little by little, He is restoring. He is filling. But yes, I'm thankful for pain, because without it, I'm not quite sure I'd be so grateful!
Well, there's a start.  These are the big things, but don't think the little things don't matter.  They do!  In fact, all of these broken down, would have a list far too long of little things that make them the big things! If that makes sense at all!  Its those little things like a husband getting up and fixing breakfast when your parents are in town, dirty little hands of your child bringing you flowers they picked themselves, a cup of coffee with a friend, the song that just came on the radio you really needed to hear...those little things..."God Smiles"....add them all up and I have my list of gratefulness.   Yes, Turner, we are blessed!  We are blessed to be blessing, now let's do it!  Because truly our cornucopia runneth over!!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Hang Ups Sting

Has anyone ever hung up on you?  Ouch!  Doesn't it hurt? Stings! Or make you so mad you want to hit something!  There are more ways to be hung up on than just with a phone.  Life can "hang up" on you very often.

That call from the doctor.

The spouse walking out.

The rebellious teenager.

The toddler that will not quit whining..

The empty bank account.

The mail box full of bills.

The parents who just do not understand life as a teenager now.

So many "hang ups" in life.  How we handle them is what the world is watching.  Does this mean we have to take these "hang ups" lying down like a door mat? No, absolutely not!  God calls us to action.

"What action is that?" you ask, oooh! Glad you asked!!

First of all we have to realize what He tells us in John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
We are not promised a life of bliss and abundance, He tells us there WILL be trouble...."hang ups"....but what is our action here?  Take heart! Trust Him! Rest in the knowledge that He has overcome this world!

1 Peter 5:6-7 So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor.Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” (NLT)
Our next action? Humble ourselves before Him and give Him all our worries.  Sometimes its really easy to take our worries to Him, cry out to Him, but way too often I tend to pick them right back up and continue to worry.  Taking action today...laying it down, leaving it there! at His feet!

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.” (NIV)
Another difficult step at times, Trust!  Its often very hard to trust in what we are not sure of...remember being the child on the side of the pool with a parent in the deep end telling you to jump to them?  It was terrifying, you knew they loved you, but trust was still scary.  That first time or two was frightening, but it seemed the more you did it, the easier it got.  In fact, it became where you didn't even think about it, you just jumped!  You just trusted!
Thats how it is with God.  Trusting can be hard on different "hang ups" in life, because you just don't understand.  But trust, we must!  Jump into the arms of the Father and in doing so, you're comforted through those "hang ups" in life.

2 Corinthians 1:3-5 All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.” (NLT)
With these steps of action, we then learn to encourage others in the same God comforts us, we can turn around and comfort others.  Maybe that "hang up" you're experiencing right now is the very thing God will use in the future to encourage and comfort someone else.  He knows what He is doing and nothing goes without His notice.

I'm choosing today, right now, God's way.  Satan may use many avenues in my life to throw a "hang up" at me, but I will not allow him to have a victory!  Because I'm believing the words of  1 John 4:4 "You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world."

So, let the world "hang up" on me anyway it chooses, I've got a direct line to the God of the universe and I'm trusting Him. He. Is. Faithful. He. Is. Enough!!