Monday, May 3, 2010

Isn't He Worthy?

We sang a song yesterday in church that I just absolutely love! Its Worthy is the Lamb written by Kathryn are the words:

Worthy worthy Lamb of heaven
Seated on the throne
Faithful author of salvation
You're the kingdom come
And now we're joining with the angels singing
Worthy is the Lamb
We're casting down our crowns before You singing
Worthy is the Lamb
Worthy worthy worthy is the Lamb
Worthy worthy worthy is the Lamb

As Jason preached out of Colossians 1 on how faith and love are forever intertwined, those words kept resounding in my heart and mind. He spoke of how faith is vertical and love is horizontal.

God's faith comes down to us and then we are able to pour His love out onto others around us. Isn't He worthy of that? He loved us! John 15:13

We want our own ways a lot of times, but His ways are always MUCH higher than ours. Isn't He worthy of that? Isaiah 55:9

We think our plans are perfect and all would work out, but He's had plans for us all the time, isn't He worthy of us to follow those? Jeremiah 29:11

We collect our material possessions and become greedy and don't want to tithe and give, but isn't He worthy? Matthew 19:21

Some folks just really try our patience and we want to just ignore them or yell at them, but aren't we called to love? Isn't He worthy of that? Luke 10:27

We want to hold very tightly to those we love and keep them safe and near, but some are called to go, even in sorrow He will reward. Isn't He worthy? Psalm 126:6

How will the world hear if we aren't willing to speak up and tell of His great love for us?!! Isn't He worthy? Romans 10:14

Yes! Worthy is the Lamb! He is worthy to receive everything we could possibly offer and so much more! The wealthiest folks on this planet are poverty stricken compared to His wealth. Then again, some of the poorest folks on this planet are wealthy beyond imagination because of what He has offered them! Lets lay aside the prejudices, the disagreements, the wars, the fighting, the bickering, the economic levels, the political debates, the grudges, etc etc etc and lets just love! After all....isn't He worthy?!!!!! Lets throw down our crowns at His feet and join with the angels and sing "WORTHY IS THE LAMB!!"

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