She shows... |
She shares... |
She is a silent hero. She may not own a lot compared to the things this world has to offer, but she is far richer than any CEO on the planet. She humbly serves and loves. Not because she is paid to do this job, but because she loves Him, therefore loves His people.You won't see her on CNN, or in the Wall Street Journal, or maybe never even in our famous 501; but she doesn't care. God has given her a passion to take His Word to the world, whether that be in her own home, to the little old lady down the street, a family everyone else may look down upon, or across the seas to a land foreign to everything she knows.
She serves... |
She will leave her comforts. Her family. Her friends. Because she can't not go. He's put that desire, that passion deep within her soul. Every fiber of her being longs to make Him known. To share the passion for our Lord and His Word with everyone she meets. To see the passion grow in the lives of others.
She is called. She is precious. She is His. She is my "sister". She is my friend. And for that, I. am. grateful.
Wherever YOU are today, there is your mission field, God has given you a ministry right where you are, so go show, share, serve, smile, sacrifice, and above all LOVE in His precious name!
She smiles... |
She sacrifices... |
She LOVES! |
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