My son and I ventured half way around the world recently to visit dear friends in the Philippines. It was quite a trip and while my prayer for months had been that God would open my child's eyes, it was my eyes that were open. No, not so much to ways of living that are so much different than mine, but to the eyes of those I saw on the trip. Let me share a few:
during a layover in Hong Kong
The eyes of precious little children from another part of our world.
And then there were the eyes of those watching these letters fill the screen now. They have seen these places before, but were opened on a whole new level. This time they were not looking at another country, another way of life. This time, they were processing all the things they were seeing. They took in every inch of a third floor apartment, wanting to remember everything about the place Sarah now called "home". The eyes that filled with overwhelming pride as they watched Jo and Sarah minister to precious young Filipino ladies in Jo's living room. The eyes that found themselves just watching these ladies and admiring their courage, their strength, their devotion to our God. The eyes that filled with tears as we stood on Sarah's rooftop and watched the sunset and listened to the busy life of the street below and prayed together for her life, her ministry, her heart. The eyes that roamed around tables and shared many meals over the two weeks with some pretty amazing folks. Missionaries that have served for years and newly appointed missionaries being sent. These brown eyes, surrounded by crows feet and still bloodshot from jet lag, took in a lot, the many people and the places she saw, many things that went to the eyes of her heart. Those images, though not caught on camera, but forever caught in the image files of her mind. The goodbye image these eyes remember is by far the most difficult one to look at, but the one that stands out like the full moon on a clear night. The image that made these eyes stayed closed for much of the flight home, not in sleep but in prayer. Prayer for God's amazing grace, strength and mercy to pour down on my dear friends left behind as they fulfill the plans God has set before them and those they come in contact with every day will see our great God, Comforter, Healer, Saviour, their eyes!
The eyes of new friends that forever will hold a place in our hearts, even if we never meet again in this lifetime.
The eyes that just glow when talking to a friend on her birthday.
The eyes that simply say "its the simple things in life that bring the greatest pleasure sometimes".
The eyes that share new experiences with someone and the love seen there.
The joy filled eyes in treasures found.
The eyes of my young missionary friend as she is adjusting to a whole new way of life, where everything that has been normal is now a thing of the past. Changes. Differences. Those are the new normal. Those eyes that questioned at times as she used a new language to get us places. The eyes that filled with confidence when what she spoke was understood. The eyes, that never looked haughty, but always filled with a humility and strength that only comes from God. The eyes that just show Jesus' love when you look into them. The eyes that cry tears over what she misses and longs for, but eyes filled with the knowledge that she is exactly where she is suppose to be. Those eyes of wisdom way beyond her years at times, yet filled purity and innocence from the Word she has hidden in her heart.
The eyes of my dear friend.