Sunday, January 2, 2011

Brand New Endings

‎"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." Carl Bard

So we really don't know who Carl Bard is, but as Bobby Tucker brought the message this morning @antiochconway this was the quote he used.  What awesome truth in such a simple statement.

Bobby shared with us about Rahab, the prostitute, and how her choices in life was leading her down a road with not a happy ending.  Thankfully, she put her faith in God and chose His ways and God gave her a brand new ending!

He also shared about Bathsheeba, and how the choices of King David changed the road for her, but she trusted God and He gave her a brand new ending through it all.

Lastly he shared about Ruth.  Who doesn't love the book of Ruth?!!  Life just happened to Ruth, but she trusted God and He wrote a brand new ending for her as well.

Our lives are not much different.  As I look back on my life I see that I've been like Rahab, I've made many choices in my life that were not best for me. Not God honoring.  And like Bathsheeba, I've had things done to me, choices by other people, that have had major impact on my life.  And like Ruth, life has happened. Hurts have come, just because those happen in life.

It was many years ago that I gave my heart to Jesus, as a child, with child-like faith.  It was simple. It was pure. It was sincere.  Life still happens.  My choices and choices by others still had major impact on my life and the way I handled situations.  Then 2009 happened, and in October of that year, my life literally changed! God wrote me a brand new ending!  I'm so grateful.  He's stretching me little by little every day. Sometimes being stretched hurts.  And sometimes, people only remember the "old me" and that hurts.  And He's healing old wounds and lets face it, healing hurts.  But what blessed assurance He's giving me day by day that He has written my ending!  He is faithful. Always.

There are many days I become so frustrated with self that I about go insane, and then He gently reminds me through a verse, a song, a friend, a sermon, or a book that He is still in control and all I need to do is trust.  And trust I am doing.  I really am seeing what faith can do!  Walls are falling.  Hurts are healing.  He's blessing me beyond anything I could imagine and I'm forever thankful for the ending He is writing for me!

It may be a while before I blog again, but I for sure will when I return from a trip.  Turner and I leave Thursday morning for the Philippines to go visit dear friends there.  We are so excited and we will have much to blog about when we return I'm quite sure!  He has to write a report for school, so we'll be taking lots of notes! :)  Join me in prayer that his eyes will be opened and learn the lesson that "my own little world is not about me".

Happy 2011, friends!  Choose to live this year in His strength and allow Him to write you a brand new ending!

1 comment:

  1. These comments are very revealing . . . but in the best sense possible. Sometimes, in "ministry mode," or maybe it's just "public mode," people don't see our hearts. Thanks for sharing yours. You are such a blessing.
