The City of Smiles is where I found myself the last week of July spending time with some special folks. I feel tremendously blessed to have been given this opportunity and though I really don't know exactly why He wanted me to go, I do know that He worked out every single detail. How could I say "no"?
I was rerouted from my original flight and met some interesting folks along the way. One man I met was heading to Texas to fight the wildfires in west Texas. I had to smile as we parted ways and he hollered, "Hey! You go change the world while I go save it!" Another was a retired US House of Representatives man from Kansas heading out to Malibu to meet his new grandson. He was kind and a proud grandpa and even told me he'd be praying for me as I continued on my journey. Then another guy is an agent for several actors and actresses in Hollywood. He had been in Texas for two weeks to be with his dad. He teared up as he said that he felt it would probably be the last time he saw him, as his dad was struggling with cancer and near the end. I was able to talk to him a bit about God and church and told him as we headed different directions at LAX that I would be praying for his dad. There were others I met along the way, a retired Catholic priest heading somewhere to speak at a mass getting sponsors for children in third world countries, a business man from Austrailia excited to be heading home after three weeks in the States, and the sweet little Filipino lady who was actually heading back Bacolod!
If I had been on my original flight, I would not have met a single one of these folks, I believe that was a God thing, if not for anything other reason than to open my eyes. I thought, as I flew home, sitting with two young men from China coming to Iowa to attend school that truly every single person does have a story. Too often I just get caught up in my own little world to reach out and just say "hi" and allow His light to shine, if only for a moment in the life of someone along the way.

While in Bacolod, I stood at a third floor window while the world came alive beneath me one morning and God opened my eyes to new wonders all around. The neighborhood I looked out upon resembled nothing of the neighborhood back home, but I had to wonder were they just as happy? Perhaps happier? I tend to get caught up in the things of this world when I'm home and surrounded by all the "things" that are to bring comfort in life. The every day ordinary things I don't give a second thought to, and often complain about: actual floors that have to be swept, mopped, and vacuumed; laundry that has to be done in a washer and dryer; a sink full of dirty dishes that have to be loaded into a dishwasher; windows that are in need of some Windex; and even air-condtioning that has worked some major over time this summer. All of my comforts that I complain about much more often than I give thanks to the Lord for.

After a trip like this, I come back and, literally, I'm almost in mourning for a week or so as I recover from jet lag and process all I experienced. Bacolod served as an oasis for me. I fully believe it was something God wanted me to experience to give me a renewed perspective on life. Did I do anything extraordinary while I was there? Lol! Not. At. All. I just did "life" with a friend for a week and He blessed that time. I had sweet quiet times with Him, even while listening to the ever crowing rooster outside the window. I wasn't the "mom", the "preacher's wife", the "PTO President", the "Sunday School teacher" or any of the other labels I wear. I was just there, to hear, to see, to be touched by Him in ways, that perhaps, He knew I wouldn't slow down here long enough to allow it to happen.
I'm thankful for the time with Him and the fellowship and friendship that was enjoyed along the way. He is good. He is faithful. He is God in the chaos and God in the calm. He is God of the broken and God of the weary. He is God of the impulsive ones of us like Peter and God of the meek and loving ones like John. He's really not looking for those who have it all together, but those that will run to Him when they don't. It may be said that I stumbled often in my walk with the Lord, but may it never be said that I failed to follow Him.
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