Monday, March 8, 2010

Finish the Race!

Yesterday morning, our pastor (who happens to be my sweet hubby!) told us about an Olympian who ran in a race and came in dead last, way behind everyone else. When asked why did he even bother finishing, knowing he had lost and would be the very last person to cross the finish line, he replied, "My country did not send me to the Olympics to start the race, they sent me to finish the race."
God has done the same for us....He has sent us not to just start the race, but to finish it...and finish it well. Our primary goal is not success, but faithfulness...that is what He has called us to be...faithful! And to always point people to Him.
The same God who created the universe, flooded the earth, made the lame to walk, the blind to see, raised the dead, sent His Son to die for US, then sent His Spirit to live in us is the same God who hands us the torch to carry the light into the world today...will we take it? Will we do our part?
Some days I feel like my torch is more like the size of a tea light candle barely staying lit and other days its more like the Olympic flame, but regardless, His faithfulness NEVER changes! His faithfulness is the same...always! It never fails! His love never diminishes for us, no matter what we may do or not do. He loves us more than anything and desires for us to live for Him and serve Him and do everything for His glory! Not such a big task after what He's done for us.
I have to remember that those who have gone before us are in the stands now, cheering us on. They are our biggest supporters, encouraging us to finish the race. We may stumble, we may fall, but we MUST finish the race! Let's get up, brush off our knees and run this race in His strength and His grace....knowing there's gonna be quite a PARTY AT THE FINISH LINE!!!


  1. Thanks for sharing Toya! Often I'll want to do the exact opposite of that Olympian, especially when I know that I've already lost. Hello, I should give up? But, people, especially unbelievers, could be looking to see that I was faithful to finish the race, even though there wasn't anything in it for me. You know?

    Thanks for this! :)

  2. You're welcome, Bekah. You are a great faithful servant...hang in there! :) It saddens me of those who do quit the race....they have their salvation (they started the race), but fail to complete the race. Oh how dead is our faith without works, huh?

  3. I'm thinking Jason should let you do a little post-script following his sermons, cause this is very good!
