Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Well, I did it!

I never dreamed I'd end up blogging my life, but here goes! It should be a fun ride!

Today has been spend waiting on a washing machine repairman to get here only to charge me nearly $60 to tell me my washer was capoot! (is that a word??!!) So, this afternoon I will be out shopping for a new washer/dryer combo and thanking the good Lord that I booked our Disney vacation yesterday!! haha!! my poor little preacher man...bless his heart!

I'll try to actually blog something of substance tomorrow, but for now I have to pick up kids, go by the store...buy a washer! and get to my Beth Moore Bible Study class...Breaking Free....and yes, I am...breaking free! God is so good and humbles me by His amazing grace and faithfulness!! He's great, folks!!!


  1. Welcome to the world of blog land.....

    Good luck on that washer/dryer.

  2. Welcome to the blogging world Toya! I quit and you join so I'd call that a fair trade (or not...because you probably have way more interesting stuff to blog than me!) ;)

    P.S. Love the 'Life in a glass house' name. Very apt considering what you do and who you are! :) Love ya! Good luck with the washer/dryer. Mom might have some pointers considering she went dryer shopping last week! :)

  3. You MUST live in a glass house....you already have 4 followers 45 minutes after posting! Haha! People are obviously watching you! :) So excited you're blogging! LOVE YOU!

  4. Welcome to the world of blogging. I will add you to my blog list :-) Jeff & I are going to Disneyworld too (all by ourselves) -- the middle of May (after grandbaby Laine arrives). We love DW! Hope you all have lots of fun! This will be Landri's first visit, right? Will be anxious to see your pictures and posting on your blog afterwards.

  5. Yeah for blogging! Sure hope you can keep up better than I can! LOL. So enjoyed talking to you last night! Sorry for the TMI!!! :) Love ya!!

  6. Yeah, I so like to read blogs, wish Rebekah had not quite. Hope you got your new appliance, I got a Maytag 7.2 dryer. Sarah would be so proud I dryed and folded and put up 6 loads of laudry Saturday, it works really good!!!
