Monday, October 25, 2010 Swiss Cheese

Have you ever considered yourself to be like Swiss cheese?  Read this excerpt from a book by Nicole Johnson titled Fresh-Brewed Life:

"We are like Swiss cheese, and the holes in us are actually supposed to be there. The holes are the things that make us who we are. The holes are the places God has reserved in us for Himself! The longings identify our real hunger. A hunger that drives us to Him to be satisfied."

It seems every direction I turn these days God is reminding me of the fact that only He can fill those places in my life.  How often, do we as people, try to fill that empty feeling? and with how much junk?  Alcoholics try with liquor. Drug addicts with different types of drugs and that "high". But how about just little things that aren't necessarily considered "wrong", but ask yourself, "are they really beneficial?"

I'm going through a book (STRONG WOMEN soft hearts by Paula Rinehart) with a friend/mentor, Jerene Reddin, and this question has kept coming back to me.  What am I trying to fill my holes with?  Busyness seems to be the one that we all try the most. Being busy has almost become a competition. Who's busier, you or me? I mean, really folks! Has it really come to this?  In this day and time, we are all busy! It doesn't matter who you are or where you live, but often times, is it because of necessity or because of our wants, our desires to fill those holes with busyness or the things that busyness affords? I'm as guilty as the next person.

I was reminded of the old saying "When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping."  Wow! How often have I done that?  If I begin to feel really down, don't I run to the closest mall?  Really....what do I need? Not a thing, but something about shopping, filling that instant gratification in us, makes us feel better...for a while.  The hole is still there.  That hole that can only be filled with the peace of God in our lives, time spent with Him and in His Word. It won't be filled with a new purse or some cute shoes! (though I'm not against those things!!! totally love cute shoes and purses!!)

We are all after success in our lives, but as our pastor (that really cute guy I happen to be married to!) told us yesterday, "Success is not found in our own strength, but in God's strength."  We won't be able to do it on our own.  Sure we can for a little while, but eventually that catches up to you. Trust me.  We can depend on "things" and even people, but in the end, true filling, true success, true happiness is found when we allow Him to fill those holes in our lives.  Things will fall apart, rust, decay.  People will make us mad, move away from us, and/or eventually die. Nothing we do can change those facts and if our holes have been filled with things other than God, our holes will remain.

I don't know about you, but I really don't care to be like Swiss cheese! I'd rather be solid like cheddar and we all know "cheddar is better"!!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Yes, cheddar is better!

    I love the book "Fresh Brewed Life" and I'm looking forward to reading the one you and mom are working through. It's coming in my Christmas box!!

    Thank you for the reminder, friend.

    Love you!
