February is the month that reminds us of roses, chocolates, Valentines....L.O.V.E. So, I thought what better time to blog about the loves of my life. Its not like I've had a ton or anything, but the ones I have loved have changed my life for the better.

The very first love of my life was that of many little girls...my daddy. As little girls we all dream of Prince Charming coming for us one day, and often we compare that person to our dad. I was blessed with an amazing Daddy who did everything he could to make sure my brother and I grew up with all of our needs met and many of our wants. We didn't have a lot, but we typically always had fun. He raised us to love God first and then to always treat others the way we would like to be treated. He was the man that everyone hugged at church and everywhere else we went. He never met a stranger, still doesn't. He can talk to anyone. Anytime. About anything...well, except for computers or smart phones. I do believe he thinks those are from the dark side! :) He is a lot like his dad, in that he would give you the shirt off of his back if you needed it. He's a workaholic, always has been. I believe its the work ethic that his generation was raised with ingrained into their very being. Whereas my generation works to have fun, his generation worked to survive. Big difference. Yes, my daddy was the first man to claim a piece of my heart. I love you, Daddy!

The next man I met that I truly fell in love with, my Daddy introduced me too. This man, though I've never seen Him with my eyes, or held His hand, or searched for Him on Facebook, He's always with me. He watches over me. He holds me. He is the Friend above all friends. We have had many heart to heart talks since that June evening when I was 8 years old and first met Him. He's heard my every laugh and giggle and caught every single tear my eyes have shed. He even tells me He bottles those tears. He's been there through every failure. Held me when I was full of fear. Has rejoiced with me in many joyful times. And has blessed me in ways that I could never ever imagine! I worship Him. He made me to have a relationship with Him. I adore Him. I praise Him. He desires my adoration and praise. I strive to be like Him. He wants me to be like Him. I fail Him so often. He always forgives me. He loves me more than anyone else in the world.
I love You, my God. My King. Jesus.

My next major love in my life I met three days after I graduated high school. I had him at "hi", ask him, he'll tell you. He can still tell you what I wore on our first date. And I still remember that hot looking teenage boy that walked into church, and set behind my friend and I, dressed in his Levi's and Ocean Pacific t-shirt. He's an old soul. Always has been. He was the "in the library, at a desk, study everything" college student. I was the "I'll glance over it in the morning before the test, but right now, lets go do something fun" student. He is the tailored, preppy dresser. I am the comfy, fad dresser. He's quiet in a group setting. I am not. He is an amazing speaker. I'd rather have a root canal than speak in public! He is merciful and compassionate. I'm more of the "suck it up, you're fine" type. He's old school cell phone. I'm 4G. He's into books. I'm into blogs. We are different in so many ways, but our love is founded upon our trust in our Lord and our commitment we made to Him and to each other in June of 1989. He still makes me laugh like no one else can. He has the patience of Job with me. We have been through many difficult days and he has always been by my side, holding my hand, assuring me that it was all in God's plan. We just had to trust. He's been in ministry since before we married, which is crazy that he married me! That makes me a pastor's wife and I don't play the piano. I don't sing. I don't teach children's worship. I'm not comfortable doing hospital visits and I'm really lousy at cooking food for church socials!
But I am in love with the most fabulous pastor on planet earth. I know him like no one else knows him and I can tell you, his walk walks just like his talk talks! I'm not worthy, but I'm forever grateful! I love you, Jason!

The last guy who has taken part of my heart came to us one fall afternoon in 2000. He makes me laugh. He makes me cry. He lifts me up. He drops me to my knees. He is my son. I've watched him grow in curiosity wondering what things are, what they do, why they do it, and if we can't figure out the answers, well, we'll just take it apart and see exactly why. He can spout off something and I'll threaten to wrap his tongue around his head. Then he can say something with such tenderness, I want to hug him so tight and never let him go. Little boys are some of mama's greatest joys. Our little men. We want to care for their every need, yet we want them to be independent young men. We want to shelter their hearts from the hurts we know will come. Our hearts melt when they tell us that first time, "Mommy, I'm going to marry you when I grow up and live with you forever and ever." And though I'm completely and madly in love with him, my son. I want him to find that special young lady, the one who is chasing after the heart of God first in her life. I want him to grow up with the compassion of his father, the kindness of his Papa, and the amazing love and covered in the grace of our Lord. I love you, Turner!
These are the guys I've loved and still love and will for always....my daddy, my God, my sweetheart and my son.
I. am. blessed!
This brings tears to my eyes. It's beautiful. You should be writing cards for Hallmark!