Yes, you read that right, not "graduation gifts", but "graduating gifts" because that is what the senior class of 2011 has been to from God!
My husband, Jason, and I had worked with youth from the time we were youth. In all those years of youth work, I never taught a Sunday School class. I guess I figured they always got enough of me. Well, Jason, not so much left youth work, because he still loves youth, but his position changed and we were no longer working directly with teens anymore. Honestly, it was nice for a while, to just be with grownups, but....after SOAR 2007, I felt God leading me to get back involved somewhere. I wasn't sure where, so just dropped a word to our youth pastor if he needed me anywhere.
SOAR 2007 |
class trip to Branson |
Well, I was given the 9th/10th grade girls Sunday School class that Fall. Whoa! Yeah! Scary room! I remember being so excited, yet so nervous; so ready for that first Sunday, yet wanting time to stand still for a moment. High maintenance, hormonal, drama-filled, whiny teenage girls?? What had I gotten myself into??
Playtime Pizza! |
I didn't know it then, but I would stay with this same crew until this week, the week they graduate high school. Yes, we stuck it out four years together. I've had others join me along the way, to step in beside me and help me with the class and what blessings they have been. I've watched them share their struggles and be open and honest with these girls and impact lives.

We've been through a lot together, in four years, and I want to thank God for using these girls to teach me. There were Sundays I would sit in front of them and be so totally humbled and at a loss knowing some of them could teach me. Some of them had experienced more in their young lives than I ever had. They were true walking testaments of His amazing grace and love!
Last year when I moved up with them and we began those crucial Junior/Senior years of high school the walls began to fall. We became more transparent with each other; more loving with each other; we cared more; we listened more; we all, including me, began to really get it!
Retreat 2009 |
This year, they asked me if I would send them a verse each morning? Yes, you read that right. Teenagers asking for a Bible verse to be sent via text every morning before school. Talking about holding me accountable?!!! I had to make sure I was spending time with Him so I would have a "word" to share with them. Some of them even send me a text of a verse, on occasion, that has really spoke to them that week. Let me tell you, THAT gets me excited, because that shows me they are searching the Scriptures themselves. They're in His Word. They're getting the fact that its not my faith, or their parents faith, but THEIR faith! And that makes me smile SO big!!
Retreat 2010 |
Bethlehem Work day |
just a typical Sunday! :) |
So girls, I want each of you to know that it has been a major blessing to have shared life with you all these past four years. We have laughed together. We have cried together. We have prayed together. We have grown together. We have discussed friendships. Service to God. Serving others. Transparency. School. Texting. Tweeting. Facebooking. Spiritual gifts. Boys. Girls. Parents. Boundaries. Sex, and I'm sure a whole lot of other topics! I've received texts letting me know you were praying for me and texts asking for prayer. Texts letting me know you were struggling with a friend. Texts saying you had gone too far with your boyfriend. Texts telling me of God's goodness. And texts telling me that you had screwed up and needed help.
Just because our time together has come to an end, I want you all to know I'm still here. My number won't change. College will bring even MORE temptations and boundary stretching limits, stay strong, ladies! Continue to seek God every day. His Word really does provide all you need to live life to its fullest. Many use the college years to try and find those through alcohol, drugs, sex, and even just studies and different philosophies. As you encounter these, remember the words of that song we learned many years ago in those little toddler rooms of church...."Jesus loves me. This I know. For the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong, they are weak, but He is strong!" Yes! Jesus does love YOU! and He has that strength waiting for each of us, all we have to do is ask. Know that I am praying for you. And I love you so very much!!!!
My Graduating Gifts of 2011 |
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
Beautiful blog. Such a blessing! I "found" you from reading Joanna Allen's blog and from "friending" Sarah on fb. Thanks for sharing your heart - very inspiring - especially since I have 2 nieces graduating as well. I, too love Conway because my daughter went to CBC...Have a wonderful Sunday!