Now what???? |
Though darkness was all around us, we were reminded that God is STILL God of this city and He died for each of them, just as He did for us. What a loving and gracious God we serve!
The conference itself was absolutely amazing! As were the women I got to share it with, I'll share more about them later.
WOF Worship Team |
The Women of Faith worship team led us in some worship to our King and prepared our hearts to hear from Him. This group of young ladies is a very talented group with hearts softened to His leading and voices that could rival any one's anywhere!
Mary meeting our crew |
I'll just start a list of the speakers/singers and a few notes I jotted down from each:
*"God has designed us with a will stronger than our emotions. We need to be living more consistently what we say. His Word will transform your thoughts and your feelings." I experienced that first hand the week that followed WOF where I could have screamed at some folks, but sought Him instead, and wow!! He can change those thoughts of anger to thoughts of compassion for that person. Hurting people hurt people, may our hearts be broken to the hurting.
She went on to encourage us to Refuse negative thoughts, Replace those thoughts with His Word, and Repeat this process as needed. And oh wow is the repeating process needed again and again and again....
Patsy hugged each of us! :) |
*"We get to be active participants in a life of faith." What a blessing!!
*"I am NOT in charge!" WHAT??!!! :)
*"We need each other to speak hope and love into each other's lives. When you don't know what else to say 'I love you' always works. Our greatest human need is connection."
*Remember: Prayer matters. People matter. Change happens. Don't ever give up!
Patsy was indeed a joy and what she had to say at times, well I felt like they were just for me! That's a God thing. Completely Him!
Andy Andrews (I hate to break it to him, but I had never heard of him before this event, but WOW!!! Now, I'm one of his biggest fans! He is completely ADD, ADHD, I'm telling you, he can NOT be still and we all fell in love with his speaking!)
*"People go from 'almost' to 'almost' their whole lives, they never understand that its a lack of perspective."
*"God's principle works every time! His principles for your life will work in every area of your life"
*"Shouldn't we be just as concerned as who we hang out with as we are about who are kids hang out with?"
*"Seek wisdom-purposefully when choosing the folks you hang out with."
*"What is a true friend to you?
-raises your level of performance
-challenges you, tells you the truth"
*in a friendship, "If both of you were alike, one of you would be unnecessary."
*"Lets quit talking anger management and talk anger resolution. Forgiveness is about us, trust is about them. Forgiveness is the past. Trust is the future. "
*"There are times to say 'I'm sorry' and other times that require 'Will you forgive me?' When we make a mistake, an 'I'm sorry' will cover it. When we make a choice (to intentionally hurt someone) only the words 'Will you forgive me?' will do." I've really thought a lot about this and I'm trying to teach it to my children, because there is a big difference!
*"We can choose to be happy~its how we react."
*"Be purposefully grateful!!"
*"Smile while you talk"
*"Everything you do matters."
*"God feeds the birds, but He doesn't throw the worms in the nest."
There was so much more he shared, my pen just would not keep up! I would encourage you to google him, look him up on you tube, buy one of his books! I promise it will be time and money well spent!
Lisa Whelchel (better known as Blair Warner from "Facts of Life"; a Texas girl with a heart huge for our Lord shared with us on friendship)
*"Sin is pleasurable for a season."
*"There is a difference in being transparent and being vulnerable-letting someone get close enough to know you, really know you, sets you up for the possibility of rejection." (A big lesson I've been learning, was just never able to put it into words. I'm transparent with my Sunday School class of girls, but its with a very few close friends that I allow all those walls to come down and I'm completely vulnerable. That's a scary thing, because it does set you up for rejection and I don't know if being a pastor's wife makes all this multiplied?!!)
*"We need connection."
*"You can't choose a best friend." (this is so very true! I remember praying two years ago for a best friend, one that I could be vulnerable with and wow! God sure did surprise me with His choosing! He placed a young lady in my life that I never would have chosen, but He knew what He was doing. And though now that friendship is changing because of geography and our own places of ministry, I know without a doubt that my friendship with Sarah was completely His doing and I'm forever grateful.)
*"On friendships:
1. Be a friend. Pay attention to capacity. Be grateful for what they can give you.
2. Identify safe friends-how do they talk about others to you? (If they talk about others to you, odds are they'll talk about you to others.)
3. Run from those who seem to have it all together! If she places that pressure on herself, she'll place it on you."
*"If one has experienced the grace of God, one will give the grace."
*"Find a real friend! A friend that will receive you and encourage you"
Marilyn Meberg
*"We walk around with that 'need more, want more' attitude, nothing is every enough to satisfy."
*"There is always something lacking in everything in this life."
*"You, God, have created us to have a restlessness in our hearts til we allow You to fill it. -Augustine"
*"Only when we get to heaven will we be fully satisfied."
I did not take many notes, because I got caught up in listening. It made me think of how I go from big project to big project or trip to trip, but I'm always planning the 'next' thing. Nothing is ever completely filling me. Sure, I have a sense of accomplishment when some big project is done and I have fun on the different trips I plan for myself and others, but in truth, there is always something missing. I sat there and thought, its because I haven't heard the ultimate accolades of my BIG project, and that would be to hear those words "well done, my good and faithful servant" at the end of this life. And as for travel, I could take a thousand ladies to NYC or two dozen or more to the Philippines, but my greater desire is to get every one I know on board for the trip of a lifetime...eternity with our Lord! WOW!!! Can't wait!! Thanks so much, Marilyn for your words from HIM!
Deborah Joy Winans
She did drama skits through out the conference and while its hard to take notes about those, there was one truth that jumped out at me and I had to write down:
"As mothers, we don't work for them, we work for Him!" Now that will change perspective! :)
Brenda Warner
This was Brenda's first time to speak to a Women of Faith audience, and with famous quarterback husband, Kurt Warner, in the crowd she became a star in her own right! She shared with us that was a US Marine at age 18 and by the time she was 24 she was a victim of infidelity and divorce living on food stamps. Then at age 28, she lost her parents in a tornado that hit in Mt. View, AR. Her testimony held us captive. How God held her and cared for her in the darkest days of her life. Here are a few truths:
*"Live with honor, courage, and integrity even when no one is watching"
*"Character determines who you are."
*She explained to us what "over the top" meant in military terms: going over the hill first to face the enemy, for all those coming behind.
Now isn't that why we are here? To go "over the top", pave the way, help light the path of those coming behind us? Reminded me of the words of a song, "may all those who come behind us find us faithful."
Brenda, your testimony was encouraging and challenging. You had lived through more hardships by 28 than most of us will see in a lifetime, but you clung to God and that is an amazing statement of your character and your trust in our Father. Thank you for being transparent with us and allowing His strength to shine through!
Mandisa! I first saw Mandisa years ago when she sang with Travis Cottrell at Beth Moore's Living Proof Live events and have been in love with her singing ever since! She appeared on American Idol and tactfully put Simon in his place when he made a rude comment about her weight...which by the way, she has lost 120 pounds!! We loved watching her on the "porch" (the side stage where all the speakers/singers sit when not on stage) worshiping as much as when she was on stage! This girl can dance before her King like nobody's business! Such a sweetheart! She allowed me to video her with my phone saying hello to the kids! They loved it! One thing she said in between songs that stood out to me was "You don't praise God for your circumstances, you praise God because He is good!" Great truth! Thank you, Father for the amazing talent of Mandisa and that she is using it for Your honor and Your glory! (and yes, I have to add a link of her singing from the conference!!)
And then the indescribable Sandi Patty is the last, but definitely not the least! I heard her speak several years ago at a Women of Faith event in Little Rock, where I also bought her book, "Layers". What she had to say and the book (that is now completely written and highlighted from cover to cover) were the beginnings of me finding my joy again in the Lord again. I have thanked God many times over these past two years for the heart of Sandi Patty and her willingness to be open with her own fears, insecurities and struggles. I had the opportunity to speak with her for a bit and share with her some of stinkin' cool!!! Sandi, God has used you to bless many lives with your amazing singing voice, and while I do LOVE to hear you sing, I thank Him for your brokenness and willingness to lay it all out there and point to Him! He has blessed me through you!
I didn't get the whole song, but here's a piece of her singing/signing "We Shall Behold Him"
And then to the girls who were blessed, as I, to be a part of this special weekend: Paige, Heidi, Angie, Deanna, and Joanna, what a joy it was sharing such a special weekend with each of you! Casual friendships were taken to new levels and we could see God's hand in every detail from the very beginning. We each needed this and God knew that and worked it out for us, as pastor's wives, to have this opportunity through laying it on the hearts of Women of Faith and paying the way for us to go. Such a major blessing! He is so good, girls!! He is faithful! I thank Him for each of you and the ways He showed me His own Self in each of you over that weekend. As Sandi sings...."forever friends, bound by Love that time can't take away"!! I love you all!
Patsy was indeed a joy and what she had to say at times, well I felt like they were just for me! That's a God thing. Completely Him!
Andy Andrews (I hate to break it to him, but I had never heard of him before this event, but WOW!!! Now, I'm one of his biggest fans! He is completely ADD, ADHD, I'm telling you, he can NOT be still and we all fell in love with his speaking!)
*"People go from 'almost' to 'almost' their whole lives, they never understand that its a lack of perspective."
*"God's principle works every time! His principles for your life will work in every area of your life"
he was NEVER still! |
*"Seek wisdom-purposefully when choosing the folks you hang out with."
*"What is a true friend to you?
-raises your level of performance
-challenges you, tells you the truth"
*in a friendship, "If both of you were alike, one of you would be unnecessary."
*"Lets quit talking anger management and talk anger resolution. Forgiveness is about us, trust is about them. Forgiveness is the past. Trust is the future. "
*"There are times to say 'I'm sorry' and other times that require 'Will you forgive me?' When we make a mistake, an 'I'm sorry' will cover it. When we make a choice (to intentionally hurt someone) only the words 'Will you forgive me?' will do." I've really thought a lot about this and I'm trying to teach it to my children, because there is a big difference!
*"We can choose to be happy~its how we react."
*"Be purposefully grateful!!"
*"Smile while you talk"
*"Everything you do matters."
*"God feeds the birds, but He doesn't throw the worms in the nest."
There was so much more he shared, my pen just would not keep up! I would encourage you to google him, look him up on you tube, buy one of his books! I promise it will be time and money well spent!
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Lisa Whelchel and Jo |
*"Sin is pleasurable for a season."
*"There is a difference in being transparent and being vulnerable-letting someone get close enough to know you, really know you, sets you up for the possibility of rejection." (A big lesson I've been learning, was just never able to put it into words. I'm transparent with my Sunday School class of girls, but its with a very few close friends that I allow all those walls to come down and I'm completely vulnerable. That's a scary thing, because it does set you up for rejection and I don't know if being a pastor's wife makes all this multiplied?!!)
*"We need connection."
*"You can't choose a best friend." (this is so very true! I remember praying two years ago for a best friend, one that I could be vulnerable with and wow! God sure did surprise me with His choosing! He placed a young lady in my life that I never would have chosen, but He knew what He was doing. And though now that friendship is changing because of geography and our own places of ministry, I know without a doubt that my friendship with Sarah was completely His doing and I'm forever grateful.)
*"On friendships:
1. Be a friend. Pay attention to capacity. Be grateful for what they can give you.
2. Identify safe friends-how do they talk about others to you? (If they talk about others to you, odds are they'll talk about you to others.)
3. Run from those who seem to have it all together! If she places that pressure on herself, she'll place it on you."
*"If one has experienced the grace of God, one will give the grace."
*"Find a real friend! A friend that will receive you and encourage you"
Marilyn Meberg
*"We walk around with that 'need more, want more' attitude, nothing is every enough to satisfy."
*"There is always something lacking in everything in this life."
*"You, God, have created us to have a restlessness in our hearts til we allow You to fill it. -Augustine"
I did not take many notes, because I got caught up in listening. It made me think of how I go from big project to big project or trip to trip, but I'm always planning the 'next' thing. Nothing is ever completely filling me. Sure, I have a sense of accomplishment when some big project is done and I have fun on the different trips I plan for myself and others, but in truth, there is always something missing. I sat there and thought, its because I haven't heard the ultimate accolades of my BIG project, and that would be to hear those words "well done, my good and faithful servant" at the end of this life. And as for travel, I could take a thousand ladies to NYC or two dozen or more to the Philippines, but my greater desire is to get every one I know on board for the trip of a lifetime...eternity with our Lord! WOW!!! Can't wait!! Thanks so much, Marilyn for your words from HIM!
Deborah Joy Winans
"As mothers, we don't work for them, we work for Him!" Now that will change perspective! :)
This was Brenda's first time to speak to a Women of Faith audience, and with famous quarterback husband, Kurt Warner, in the crowd she became a star in her own right! She shared with us that was a US Marine at age 18 and by the time she was 24 she was a victim of infidelity and divorce living on food stamps. Then at age 28, she lost her parents in a tornado that hit in Mt. View, AR. Her testimony held us captive. How God held her and cared for her in the darkest days of her life. Here are a few truths:
*"Live with honor, courage, and integrity even when no one is watching"
*"Character determines who you are."
*She explained to us what "over the top" meant in military terms: going over the hill first to face the enemy, for all those coming behind.
Now isn't that why we are here? To go "over the top", pave the way, help light the path of those coming behind us? Reminded me of the words of a song, "may all those who come behind us find us faithful."
Brenda, your testimony was encouraging and challenging. You had lived through more hardships by 28 than most of us will see in a lifetime, but you clung to God and that is an amazing statement of your character and your trust in our Father. Thank you for being transparent with us and allowing His strength to shine through!
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:) |
I didn't get the whole song, but here's a piece of her singing/signing "We Shall Behold Him"
And then to the girls who were blessed, as I, to be a part of this special weekend: Paige, Heidi, Angie, Deanna, and Joanna, what a joy it was sharing such a special weekend with each of you! Casual friendships were taken to new levels and we could see God's hand in every detail from the very beginning. We each needed this and God knew that and worked it out for us, as pastor's wives, to have this opportunity through laying it on the hearts of Women of Faith and paying the way for us to go. Such a major blessing! He is so good, girls!! He is faithful! I thank Him for each of you and the ways He showed me His own Self in each of you over that weekend. As Sandi sings...."forever friends, bound by Love that time can't take away"!! I love you all!
Now I have 40 tix at $89 each for Women of Faith Over the Top in Dallas August 26 & 27! Let me know by the end of the month if you want one!!! :)
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