It was a Monday night, three days after I graduated high school, when this handsome young guy walked into the back door of our church for our youth activity the week of Vacation Bible School. I was new in town, and nudged my friend beside me, "Who is THAT?" I inquired. "Jason Aultman" she replied. I was smitten!
He was brought to church by a mutual friend to meet the new girl in town, which was me. He says he still remembers the first word out of my mouth "Hi!" Yep, that's how deep I was...still am; just keep it simple!
That was June 3, 1985, eight days later we had our first date. Yes, he was the only guy I ever dated after high school. We had so much fun that summer just getting to know each other. We'd play basketball, go to the lake and water ski, watch movies, just get to know each other. Oh such fun memories! I knew by the time college started that August, I had found my other half.
We dated the next two and a half years, then in December of 1987, he took me out to eat and then we drove up to Love's Lookout. (yeah, that just sounds like a make-out place, doesn't it??) It was there that he gave me a huge box that had a bear inside, and also just happened to have an engagement ring tied on a bow around his neck. Jason took the ring off the bow and took my hand and ask "Toya M'chele Turner, will you marry me?"
Well, if you know me, you know I like to take my time and really think things out. Ponder them. Not rush into anything. Not be too spontaneous. I'm sure I waited at least 2.3 seconds before I shouted "YES!" We had some schooling we wanted to get behind us, so we set the date of June 17, 1989.
I remember planning and dreaming of our wedding day. I wanted it to be what every little girl dreams of. I grew up with the fairytale wedding of Princess Diana all over the news and I wanted my wedding to be just a notch or two above that!
During all the planning and dreaming stages, we also had to live life. We had to go to school, deal with studying, juggle jobs, writing papers, and squeezing dates in here and there. It was a long time to date, much less be engaged! There were many struggles during this time, because Satan just loves to throw things our way and he knows the human desire for sex. Though it is a gift from God, the devil loves to use it against us. I'd be lying if I told you it wasn't a struggle, but I can also tell you that He will give you the strength and grace you need to save yourself if you only ask and continue to seek Him daily in the relationship.
It seems like yesterday that I was preparing for a wedding this week. In reality, it is 22 years ago this week. 22 years! 22 years I have spent living with my best friend. Doing life together. Serving together. Worshiping together. Laughing together. Crying together.
Jason has many fans, I know, but there is none bigger than me! He is such a man of character. He chooses first to ask what God would have of him, and then everything else seems to fall into place. He's the epitome of displaying the Fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. I can look at every one of those words, and if I were to write a dictionary, I'd put his picture beside each one.
Yes, after 22 years of marriage, I am still hopelessly in love with my best friend. He has been by my side through the good times and bad. I choose today to thank him.
Thank you, Jason, for listening to that friend years ago and coming to check out the new girl in town. Thank you for pursuing me. Thank you for putting up with me during those dating years, while in college and still discovering who I was. Thank you for loving me, loving God, and guarding my purity. Thank you for saving yourself for me. Thank you for being the most patient husband on planet earth. Thank you for the times you've set beside my hospital bed and just held my hand as I underwent infertility surgeries. Thank you for following God's will for your life and going into the ministry. I cannot imagine doing anything else with our lives! Thank you for your servant's heart. Many do not know what all you do behind the scenes for folks, but I do and our kids do and they are paying attention. Thank you for putting such a Christlike example before them. Thank you for being an amazing daddy and desiring to be as involved as you can be in the lives of our kids. Thank you for loving our church family and setting a true example of a Christian leader before them. Thank you for understanding me and allowing me to do what I feel God calls me to do. Thank you for treating me like a princess every day of our lives.

I love you, Jason Aultman!! Lets go another 22 years or more, shall we?
22 years in pics put into one song! :)
THIS! is a match made in Heaven! God bless you both, and God bless your marriage. (Toya, your tribute is the best.)