Thursday, November 18, 2010

Guilty Pleasures

I've been thinking about those two words a lot lately.  Doesn't it make you think of things like manicures, pedicures, massages, facials, Starbuck's, good know the really GOOD stuff,  just those things that we enjoy so much we almost feel guilty at times enjoying them?

Lately, its been more of the smaller things that I'm considering guilty pleasures.  The things that make me complain until my heart is made right.  You know the types of things...a dirty toilet (at least we have one, and honestly, more than one), toys strewn all over my house (at least my children have toys and a home to play in), having to unload the dishwasher (really?? all I had to do was rinse and put them in there and I have great cabinets and drawers to put them all in!), dust and filth on my tv (yeah, that big screen one in the living room), my computer that is so stinkin' slow sometimes I want to throw it out the window (but without it I could not chat with friends on the other side of the world), cooking supper (with the groceries I was just able to run by Walmart and grab), piles and piles of dirty laundry (at least I have a washer/dryer and more than enough clothes for my family to stay warm for the winter....and smelling clean of Tide and Bounce! aaah!!!), the long five hour drive home for Thanksgiving (thankful I have a family I can go home to and hurting for the ones that don't or can't), Christmas music (though honestly, I've cried more over Christmas music already this year than I ever have before, some of those songs are just SAD!), my church (how blessed we are to live where we are free to worship the God of the universe anytime we want! and how sad, so very few of us really enjoy taking advantage of that fact), PTO at my kids school (we work like crazy for no pay, but oh how thankful for a school where parents want to be involved!), the Bible that sits right here beside my big comfy reading chair (wow! 66 chapters that tell all. 66 Love Letters to you and me from the very Creator of the universe!!!)

Guilty pleasures?? Yeah, I would say as I sit here in my big comfy chair with my laptop on my lap, kids playing in our big front yard, dogs in the backyard, husband at work, dinner in the oven, Christmas music blaring on the iPod, and suitcases already semi-packed to go home next week, yeah, I'd have to say I have a few of those!

Thanking God today for all those little things. Those things I take for granted every day that others would consider major luxury.  May our little bubble of suburbia be burst and allow us to spread blessings across the street and around the world and shine His light in this dark world!!  

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