Little did I know that the Lord had a surprise waiting for me! He had a blessing, a BIG smile, waiting for me through some unexpected friends. When will I ever learn that He hears His children, even when we continue to screw up, He continues to love us. Regardless. Isn't that amazing??
We have a Book Fair going on this week and several of us from the PTO board and a couple of the teachers ended up in the library. Now, you may think a library is a very quiet place, well not this one! Not this afternoon! For some crazy reason we started taking pictures with my phone with a new app I had put on it. It distorts your face and head. Oh my goodness! We laughed until we cried! My stomach hurt, but my heart overflowed!
I'm not sure if the creator of CamWow is a Christian or not, but God sure used him/her to bless my heart on a day that I really needed to laugh. I cannot tell you how long it has been since I laughed that hard! Are we grownups? Yes. Are we responsible? Hmm...sure! Were there kids looking at us like we had lost our ever-lovin' mind? Definitely! (which just made us laugh harder!)
I know I have enjoyed laughs like that before and never once thought about giving the Lord praise for a big smile in the middle of their day, but I wanted to be sure that I did not miss the opportunity today! Thank you, God! Thank you for filling my heart with truly was medicine for the soul! And for you ladies that allowed me to snap a pic and post it for the world to see....thank you! Thank you for laughing with me and not killing me! (yet!)
And I'm thankful to God for placing each of you in my life as well! Y'all are some amazing ladies!
Now.....yeah, I HAVE to post some of the pictures!!

bahaha! Oh Lori!!!

yes! that is one of our great teachers!
and that would be our hilarious librarian!
AND, so they don't get mad at me, here's one of me too! :)
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