2. while beginning work as strangers, by parade time we had new friends

4. a limo can't pull a trailer
5. don't wait until the day of to detail the car pulling the trailer
6. trailers are not always easy to come by
7. southern engineering is essential
8. set a deadline at least 2 weeks before you really need something
9. duct tape can begin to pull skin off of fingers
10. don't plan anything the night of the parade and be ready to crawl in bed at 9:30
11. the very top of a ladder CAN be stood on
12. always get there early to get the shady spot for your float

15. even when you get that text that your float didn't win, and you're kind of bummed, you have to just thank the Lord for the blessing of the hot bubble bath you just took, the cozy bed you're now snuggled up in, the laptop on your lap, the kids sleeping soundly on the other side of the house, and the blessing of being a part of such an amazing school!

Now, goodnight....I'm SUNK!
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