I was hoping to chat with a friend about life, struggles, failures, fears, hopes, dreams, and God's will. Some days we think we have it all figured out and talking through things with a friend can some how make things a little clearer. Well, I was really hoping to get to chat with her, but since she is on the other side of the world, it makes things a little complicated at times...today being one of those times...it was midnight for her and she had an early morning, so no chatting.

Joy is a Filipino friend of mine, whom I've had the blessing of getting to know this year. She was born and raised in Bacolod City on the Island of Negros in the Philippines. Bacolod is known as "The City of Smiles" and once you meet Joy, you'll understand why. Joy was a Compassion International child from the time she was six years old until she was thirteen; so if you have any doubts if your giving can make a difference, here's the proof!
God took a small Filipino child, raised her up to love and honor Him, and chose her today to bless a middle-aged, worn out mom and pastor's wife! Isn't that just like Him?? Joy is one who listens with the ears of God, she speaks with a tongue guarded by God, and she loves with the heart of God. You can't meet her or just watch her and listen to her without being pointed to Christ and leave with a new appreciation of just what He's done for us. Here are a few words she shared with me just today:
* I just can trust HIS hand that's in full control of everything
*you're not "old"... age is just a number here, we have a saying... only buffalos grow old! (I like that!)
*all moms in the world are awesome!
*your role in the lives of us in the field is sooooo important. (nice reminder)
*God placed you in the situation where you're at right now... Jason's wife, Turner's and Landri's momma, a friend to us as well as to many others...because YOU ARE THE BEST PERSON FOR THE JOB! that is how unique we all are
*it's just difficult when we let Satan make us think of ourselves any less than God's precious child.
*tough times dont last, only US tough people do because God's grace is always sufficient.
*HE has countless ways that HE could use our lives if only we are willing
*people always have crazy expectations...unreasonable...but what matters is gaining God's approval
* bowing in obedience...peace comes
*God bless you! remember that you look more fabulous when you smile. So today, smile pretty! God loves you!
Now, I mean, really folks?? Couldn't we all use a little "Joy" in our lives? Today, I'm very grateful that God chose Joy for my life and now, I choose joy to live this day in His strength! I'm putting that smile on because God loves me and has given me more grace than I could ever imagine and blessed me with a night owl friend on a little island in the middle of Asia-Pacific and brought me joy today through her. He is good! All glory to Him! Now lets go be a "JOY" to someone today!
Psalm 27:17 "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another."
*side note: we are in the process of trying to clone Joy into a pocket size version of herself! NOW, wouldn't that be cool?!!
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